Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Get in the Sun without Sunblock.....

     Vitamin D is the new nutrient superstar, linked with lower risk of all sorts of  disorders including heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatism. And now its looks as if it helps with weight loss, too.
      During the summer of 2008, in a small trial of 38, a researcher from the university of Minnesota reported that those with more vitamin D is their blood lost more weight. For every extra nanogram per milliliter they lost an extra quarter-kilo.
      Other trials, too have linked higher vitamin D level with less obesity. But why? All vitamin D experts agree that lots more research is needed-but in the mean time, one interesting theory is emerging from Imperial College, London. Because sunlight is the main source of a vitamin D, a low level of vitamin D may make the body think that colder weather is one the way, and therefor that it has to store more food.
      There's also much debate about how much you should be taking. The official recommended daily allowance is 200 IU (international units) but many experts are now suggesting 1000 or even 2000. A daily dose of 1000 over several months would rest your blood level by 10mls meaning you could lose an extra 2kg on top of what you'd expect to on your diet.

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