Monday, August 9, 2010

definition : a word used in place of a noun or a name to avoid repetiton or clumsiness.
  1. personal pronoun. Refer to :
  • the speaker of speakers.
  • person spoken to ; and.
  • person or thing spoken of
  • example : It has become a channel for some irresponsible users  to champion ( line 9 ).
   2.  relative pronoun. Refer to :
  • relates an adjective clause to the noun or pronoun which is qualifies.
   3.  demonstrative pronoun. Refer to :
  • points out the thing or person for which is stands.
  • example : This gets even more ugly in today's ( line 13 ).
   4.  possessive pronoun. Refer to :
  • show ownership or possession.
  • example : Today, even ten or twelve - year - old minors can set up their own webpage ( line 11 ).
   5. interrogative pronoun. Refer to : 
  • ask a question. It is the same in form as the relative pronoun.
  • example : Who at the mere age of seventeen successfully broke into the  pentagon files ( line 24 ).
   6.  reflexive pronoun and emphasizing pronoun. Refer to :
  • reflects the subject. It stands for the same person or thing as the subject.
  • example : In 1997, the British business fielded 794 million items of un solicited mail and 65 per cent of managers in the UK considered themselves as victims ( line 37 ).
   7.  distributive pronoun. Refer to :
  • whose meaning is distributed over two or more things.
  • example : The Net too has been linked as a source that has brought about an overall increase in crime all around the world ( line 43 ).
   8.  indefinitive pronoun. Refer to :
  • no particular person or persons.
  • example : The effect of this legacy gives one the power to command a worldwide audience at one's fingertips ( line 2 ).

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